Nature Adventure Path

The Erlaufcanyon
  A natural monument of international importance

field trips Erlaufcanyon

detailed information 

Preservation, revitalization and awareness


The market town Purgstall  has long been interested in the preservation and revitalization of the local natural heritage. The most valuable natural resource in the market community is the Erlaufcanyon, which is part of the European reserve "Lower Austrian Alpine Foothills Rivers".  

Project description

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Along the Erlaufcanyon 10 information boards have been placed containing various nature conservation Topics.


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Juchtenkäfer.jpg 1

Natura 2000 species

The Erlaufcanyon has great importance, because of their old and dead wood inventory, among others for the wood-dwelling hermit 
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AltesBadMühlenwegbrücke.JPG 2 Myths, Legends and stories

The impressive natural backdrop of Erlaufcanyon created various fables, for examle the Heide ghost or the fable of the Türkensturz

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0272_001.jpg 3             revitalization,
  heathery nature plot

 A species-rich grasslands and valuable relic of heathland has been restored, by revitalizing
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4 Woods Natura 2000 forest communities, such as the alder-ash pasture Nauen in the lowest part of the Au or ravine slope mixed forests, characterize most parts the landscape.
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 WasserplatzErlaufschucht01.jpg 5 River & Rock The Rock vegetation on the conglomerate rocks along the Erlaufcanyon is one of the absolute rarities among the Natura 2000 habitats

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20060423078.jpg 6             Geology and Landscape By lateral and vertical erosion after the last ice age todays romantic conglomerate divide, the Erlaufschlucht, got created. 
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Kopie von Schloss 4.JPG 7 Schloss &
Park Purgstall
The Schloss Purgstall is a castle from the 12th century. The park was created in the 19th century
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20070527146.jpg 8 Natura 2000 Different Natura 2000 habitats form the Erlaufschlucht in Europe reserve "Lower Austrian Alpine Foothills Rivers"
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Wiesen & Trockenrasen.jpg 9             meadows & dry grasslands Extensive "oat grass meadows" and "brome fescue-lime dry grassland" on shallow skimmed locations are the richest Natura 2000 habitats along the Erlaufcanyon
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 0273_001.jpg 10 Loreley &
The two outstanding natural phenomena underscore the uniqueness of the Erlaufschlucht
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For all information about Natura 2000, click on the Natura 2000 site of the country NÖ: